Francis Galton
Composite photographs of the members of a family, c. 1878-82
Arthur Batut
Agde Type - 10 subject, 1885-1887
Courtesy Espace Photographique Arthur Batut
Dr. H. P. Bowditch
Twelve portraits of Boston physicians, including photographer Henry Pickering Bowditch, and a composite portrait of the group, 1887
Lewis Hine
Composite photograph of child laborer made from cotton mill children, 1913.
Ludwig Wittgenstein
Untitled Composite (Wittenstein with his three sisters) ca. 1920s
Theodor "Dr. Seuss" Geidel
The Infantograph, 1939
Excerpt from "Becoming Dr. Seuss: Theodor Geisel and the Making of an American Imagination" by Brian Jay Jones
Link: New Yorker review
Nancy Burson
Warhead I (Reagan 55%, Brezhnev 45%, Thatcher less than 1%, Mitterand less than 1%, Deng less than 1%), 1982
Link: Nancy Burson’s website
Book Cover: Nancy Burson, Richard Carling and David Kramlich
Composites: Computer Generated Portraits.
New York Beech Tree Books, 1986
Time, The New Face of America, 1993
Raul Gschrey
The Typical Inhabitant or Automated Recognition Relies on Individual Characteristics - Try to look average, 2008
Link: Raul Gschrey's Website
John Paul Maye
No Longer Dieter (Composite of 9 individuals), 2011
Paul Vinet
Portrait Composite of 20 people from the village of Labruguière, France, 2012 (20 people from the village of Labruguiere where Arthur Batut lived).
Courtesy Studio Batut
Link: Paul Vinet's website
Richard Prince
Untitled Girlfriend, (Jerry's Girl), 2013
A composite image of all
57 girlfriends of Jerry Seinfeld's
character that appeared
onscreen in the television
series Seinfeld.
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